août 2016

The real starting point ♥ Le vrai point de départ

Note from Julie: A couple more quotes from Jed McKenna’s book Spiritual Warfare will be arriving in your inbox before we are officially done with The Enlightenment Trilogy. I know they are long quotes, and if you don’t have time to read them you can of course just delete them but you can also put them aside for when you would have some time to ponder what he is saying. The full set of quotes I’ve sent from him pretty much cover the essence of each of the three books. Also I will make it a habit to put the content of each Newsletter I send by email on the site as a blog post, for future reference and availability. The site is coming along well, but far from done. You’re welcome to explore it, or its backbone anyways since its content is still being developed or re-worked from the old site. Feel free to give me suggestions or comments regarding the site. It is a highly creative process and I’m just flowing with it – a wonderful experience for me of getting away from hyper structured idea development in academia. By the way, to those who knew I was in a PhD program, I am letting go of that goal. I am moving on, or should I say, moving out (of my head)! It is possible that that was the goal all along, to give me time to really see that the ego drive for status and ‘being right’ has left the building of Julie, or what’s left of Julie anyways. It feels good to drop it, it’s like a new way of being in which whatever isn’t aligned with my new frequencies is just falling off. Of course there is still some ego in me resisting, telling me it’s not ok to quit or to stop doing things to ‘prove my worth’, but as I keep slicing off its hooks, that voice sounds more and more like a little child having a tantrum, a little child slowly realising that it doesn’t work anymore and it’s time to grow up. 😉

The real starting point ♥ Le vrai point de départ Read More »

-Marianne Ouellet, Directrice et Professeur à Ton Yoga, Gatineau, Québec

La méditation avec Julie est unique… elle m’a transportée par la justesse et la richesse du vocabulaire mais aussi parce que Julie est vraie et passionnée. Elle sait être terre à terre tout en voyant les merveilles du monde invisible, de l’intérieur. Elle a réussi à faire connaître à la yogi que je suis des nouvelles techniques de respiration, a induit dans mon esprit des concepts apaisants, enracinants. Honnêtement, sa méditation a été un moment fort du festival, j’en suis repartie sereine, inspirée et éclairée. Merci Julie!

-Marianne Ouellet, Directrice et Professeur à Ton Yoga, Gatineau, Québec Read More »

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